Gender Pay Gap

Im Rahmen des Berlin Lunchtime-Meetings wird Professor Francine D. Blau von der Cornell University am 12. September 2011 um 12 Uhr einen Vortrag im DIW Berlin zum Thema Gender Pay Gap in den USA mit internationaler Perspektive halten. Francine D. Blau ist eine der renommiertesten Arbeitsmarktökonominnen unserer Zeit.

Zur Person: 

Francine D. Blau is Frances Perkins Professor of Industrial and Labor Relations and Professor of Economics at Cornell University.  She has written widely on gender issues, wage inequality, immigration, and international comparisons of labor market outcomes. In 2010, she received the IZA Prize for outstanding academic achievement in the field of labor economics; she was the first woman to receive this prestigious award.  
She has served as President of the Society of Labor Economists and the Labor and Employment Relations Association (formerly the Industrial Relations Research Association), Vice President of the American Economic Association (AEA), President of the Midwest Economics Association, and Chair of the AEA Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession. She has published articles in the American Economic Review, the Journal of Political Economy, the Quarterly Journal of Economics, Economica, the Review of Economics and Statistics, and other major journals.
Professor Blau has published articles in the American Economic Review, the Journal of Political Economy, the Quarterly Journal of Economics, Economica, the Review of Economics and Statistics, and other major journals. She is the author of Equal Pay in the Office and, with Lawrence Kahn, of At Home and Abroad: U.S. Labor Market Performance in International Perspective (recipient of the Richard A. Lester Prize for the outstanding book in labor economics and industrial relations for 2002) and the editor, with David Grusky and Mary Brinton of The Declining Significance of Gender?, and with Ronald Ehrenberg of Gender and Family Issues in the Workplace. She is the author of Equal Pay in the Office and, with Lawrence Kahn, of At Home and Abroad: U.S. Labor Market Performance in International Perspective (recipient of the Richard A. Lester Prize for the outstanding book in labor economics and industrial relations for 2002) and the editor, with David Grusky and Mary Brinton of The Declining Significance of Gender?, and with Ronald Ehrenberg of Gender and Family Issues in the Workplace. She is also coauthor, with Marianne Ferber and Anne Winkler, of The Economics of Women, Men, and Work currently in its 6th edition.

Francine D. Blau ist auch DIW Forschungsdirektorin und Miglied des DIW Netzwerks Gender Studies.

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