Starke Frauen in der Finanzwelt

Maha al-Ghunaim hat es geschafft, sich in einer Welt, in der Männer das Macht- und Finanzmonopol haben, durchzusetzen. Al-Ghunaim zählt heute in der Investment-Branche zu den Top-Persönlichkeiten in Kuwait und in der ganzen Golf-Region.

Ihr Selbstbewusstsein hat sie aus San Francisco mitgebracht, wo sie Mathematik studierte. In der Kuwait Investment Authority schaffte sie es bis zur Vizechefin. 1998 gründete sie ihre eigene Vermögensverwaltung, die Global Investment House. Das Unternehmen verwaltet inzwischen ein Vermögen von fünf Milliarden Dollar. Maha al-Ghunaim ist Mutter von vier Kindern.

 Vita  (Quelle: Global Investment House)

 Mrs. Maha Al- Ghunaim, along with other distinguished members, founded Global Investment House in 1998. She came to Global from Kuwait Foreign Trading Contracting & Investment Co. (KFTCIC), the investment arm of Kuwait Investment Company, which she had joined in 1982 after receiving her Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from San Francisco State University, California, USA. Mrs. Al Ghunaim was promoted to chairperson of Global in 2007. She sits on the board of numerous companies in the region. Mrs. Al-Ghunaim received notable regional and international recognitions and has been named among the “most powerful personalities for 2010“ (Forbes, 2010); “one of the most powerful Arabs in 2010 (Arabian Business, 2010” and “ among the 50 most admired executives in the GCC” (Arabian Business, December 2009) and “Top Financier of the Year” (elan’s Top Entrepreneurs of the Year, December 2009). She was also listed among the „100 Most Influential Women in The City“ by Financial News in September 2009 and in Forbes Magazine’s annual listing of “The 100 Most Powerful Women in the World” for 2006 & 2007 & 2008.