Survey about women in management.

My name is Silke Heppekausen and I’m currently writing a master dissertation towards my MBA study at the University of East London & Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln. It deals with women in management in general and takes a detailed look at the two sub items ‘Management Skills’ and ‘Parental Leave’. In this respect I am carrying out a survey to determine whether issues described in literature are still prevailing.

Firstly, may I ask you to check if the following definition of a Manager (for the purpose of this survey) fits for you?


I have budget responsibility as well as accountability for achieving the organisation’s main objectives. I execute functions such as target setting, continuous progress control and decision making.

Answering the questions will not take more than 10 minutes. Being anonymous, this survey gives you the possibility to answer questions without any pressure based on other people’s or company’s expectations. You do though need to enter your e-mail address to get access to the survey. This is a requirement for the survey to be accepted by the UEL/RFH as this is the way to exclude multiple answers by one person.

Your feedback is very much appreciated, as a large number of responses will increase the validity and quality of my survey. Follow the link below to start with the survey:

Survey will close on 30th July 2010. Please forward this e-mail to any other managers (female or male) that may be interested in answering the survey.

Thank you very much for your support.

Kind regards,
Silke Heppekausen
MBA student UEL/RFH