Wives’ employment a (in)stabilizing force in modern couples?

SOEP and Gender Studies at DIW Berlin invite you to join the lecture by Lynn Prince Cooke „Labor and Love – Employment Effects on Divorce Risk in Eleven Countries”. Tuesday July 19, 2011, 4 p.m., Gustav-Schmoller-Room at DIW Berlin

In this lecture, Lynn P. Cooke will discuss various aspects of her recent research on the instability in couple relationships in the post-war period. Some social scientists attribute this increasing likelihood of divorce and separation to the increase in partnered women’s employment. Yet in post-industrial economies, institutional support for partnered women’s employment varies considerably. In the harmonized analyses presented here, panel (East and West Germany, United Kingdom, USA), register (Finland, Norway, Sweden), and retrospective (Australia, Flanders, France, Italy, the Netherlands) data and discrete time event history analyses are used to compare the divorce risk associated with wives’ and husbands’ employment across country contexts. In countries that historically institutionalized a gendered division of labor, a wife’s employment increases the risk of divorce, although effects now reach statistical significance only in Italy. In the United States, where market (in)equality dominates, wives’ employment also significantly increases divorce risk despite its prevalence. Where institutions instead support greater gender equality in paid as well as unpaid work, couples with an employed wife are significantly less likely to divorce than couples where the wife remains out of the labor force. Thus institutional support for greater gender equality makes wives’ employment a stabilizing force in modern couples.

If you are interested to participate please respond by July 15, 2011 to Christiane Nitsche: cnitsche@diw.de, phone: 030/89789-671, Telefax 030/89789-109

For more information see: http://www.diw.de/sixcms/detail.php?id=diw_01.c.376088.de

Please forward to interested parties.

***  AND… –> Make a note in your calendar: Francine D. Blau from Cornell University will give a lecture at DIW Berlin on September 12, 2011 ****

privatdozentin (pd) dr. elke holst, economist
diw research director gender studies
editor SOEPnewsletter
diw berlin / dept. soep  & university of  flensburg
mohrenstraße 58, d-10117 berlin
fon: +49 30 89789 281
fax: +49 30 89789-109

Just published: Gender Differences in Subjective Well-Being In and Out of Management Positions ( with Eileen Trzcinski):